In the past this workgroup has focused on assisting major national health plans in modeling effective implementation of Health and Human Service rules for women’s clinical preventative services and working with states to institute Medicaid coverage of women’s clinical preventative services. With significant change in the air for health care in 2017, this group will continue to press for comprehensive, quality and preventive health coverage for young women and men.
To tap a broader array of resources, the Preconception Policy Action Network was founded to facilitate information sharing across partners and a better alignment of social and human capital. This network largely communicates via email and brief conference calls with the goal of bringing together collective energy and opportunity to advance the health and wellness of young adults in the U.S.
Affordable Care Act and Women’s Health
- Kaiser Family Foundation: Health Reform: Implications for Women’s Access to Coverage and Care
- AMCHP: The Affordable Care Act and Preconception Health
- National Partnership for Women and Families: Fact Sheets: Why the ACA Matters for Women
- National Women’s Law Center: Women’s Preventative Services in the ACA
- A new report (May 2014) release by the Henry Kaiser Family Foundation presents Women and Health Care in the Early Years of the Affordable Care Act: Key Findings from the 2013 Kaiser Women’s Health Survey. To read the report click here.